• Controller Issue

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    Thanks - that did the trick.

    And apologies for breaking protocol - here are some of the details of the set-up (which I did not build myself, I'm not much of a tech guy):

    RetroPie-Setup version: 4.7.21
    rpi4 (armv71)
    Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
    Linux retropie 5.10.17-v17

    That's what it told me about the system when I ran the installation of joy2key, at least.

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    That was generated by the system, I only changed it after which fixed it.

    Thanks again everyone

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    From what I understand, the version of DraStic that we have access to is just a generic ARM build and isn't well optimized. It works ok on previous pi models under the legacy Vc4 drivers, but using fkms on the pi 4 it seems to have issues.

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    If the USB encoder makes all 7 buttons available, then you can navigate the UI and start games so it should be possible to make EmulationStation use it. As for the 2nd Player, you can use advmame for arcade emulation and it would be possible to split the encoder inputs to both, not sure about how practical it is though.

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    I was able to edit other gamelist.xml files in each individual roms folders and modify their content. Why would this be unique and not have those values shown? I would at least hope to see the xml have some sort of tag or comment. Then I can go in there and remove them. Is there a way to reset it back to before I scraped it?

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    @Sano said in Exit to Main Menu instead of System menu:

    I see a major flaw in this :
    If people just browse games without playing, the loop will continue.
    Couldn't it be more efficient to look at ES screensaver, in order to stop video preview after a period of time ?
    Other solutions include : video without sound, or a fixed number of loops.
    Just my point of view :)

    Looking forward to see your theme.

    "Tell me what you need, I'll explain how you can do without it".
    Too much time on linux IRC channels I think ;)

    The browsing issue is a good and valid point I had not thought of, hmmm.....

    I had thought about doing videos without sound but don't like that solution for 2 reasons:

    remaking all of the videos would be a pain many people I talked to liked having the sound during selection as it helps bring back some of the nostalgia

    I also do have a screensaver in place but unless I really shorten the delay it doesn't help much with some of the game noises being obnoxious at times.

    I think I might actually be ok with a fixed number of loops. However, when I looked through the theme documentation I didn't see any way or option to set this. Is there a property or something I missed that can be used to do this?


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    Thanks a lot!

    I'll have a try at this !

  • Menu Toggle Broken?

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    awesome thank you so much for the reply. I will keep an eye on that.

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    @gnome73 said in New to Retro Pi - have some questions:

    Im a RPi noob so hence why Im posting... have done some searching and the closest thing I found to answering my questions below is something called Attract but it appears to be a full reinstall of the RPi which I've only just got going so am a bit reluctant to do this

    welcome! :)

    My questions:-

    Is there a nicer interface than emulation station ideal for kids? I've seen some youtube videos where there is a very graphical interface when choosing the games and the background wallpaper changes to match the game as you scroll through the list of ROMS - how do I set this up? Also I've seen a youtube clip on the attract mod which shows the ROMs as a grid with the game covers - but dont want to do a full reinstall.

    that's attractmode. maybe someone can help you with the install, but i understand that right now it's easiest to use the full image (reinstall)

    Also is there a way to go straight to the ROM selection screen and have all ROMs in 1 easy to scroll through list regardless of their Emulator?

    it's possible but it would require a LOT of tweaking and file edits.

    Is there a way to permanently save high scores from ROMs? I did a search and there was a suggestion to use the latest mame emulator lr-mame2003 (I am Retro Pi 4.1 on a RPi 3). Which leads me onto my next and final question..

    lr-mame2003, yes: https://github.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/wiki/lr-mame2003#high-scores

    I tried to run MAME Roms using lr-mame2003 and none would work... upon doing some digging I found that the Neo Geo emulator is used for MAME games? Once i put the MAME Roms in the NeoGeo emulator folder they worked! huh go figure? therefor if I can only run MAME via Neo Geo - will Neo Geo save games?

    there's a lot going on here, huh? :) neogeo emulators should save games (why not try and find out?), but if you want to run mame games properly (the neogeo emulators will only run a subset of them), you should have a look at https://github.com/retropie/retropie-setup/wiki/Managing-ROMs

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    @klachow You can see the version when you start the RetroPie-Setup script.
    To get this, you should EmulationStation and then re-configure your gamepad to the joystick axis are added to the input configuration.
    For manual installation, you can look at @chipsnblip's instructions.